Educational Webinars

Daisuke Kurosawa, President
Daisuke Kurosawa, President elect 2023

Dear SIMEG members as well as members of the SI joint surgical community,

I kindly invite you to our series of webinars which we started during the pandemic and which prooved to be very efficient. The meetings are free of charge, pre-registration is not necessary.
The next meeting is scheduled June 16th, 2024. It will address SIJ dysfunction related to pregnancy.

Thank you for supporting SIMEG. I am looking forward to exciting and constructive discussions with our friends all around the world.

Daisuke Kurosawa MD,
SIMEG president
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery / Japan Sacroiliac Joint and Low Back Pain Center
JCHO Sendai Hospital, Sendai, Japan


What is the sum of 9 and 9?

Next Webinar: June 16th, 2024