June 2024 Webinar

Thanks for joining. Recordings are in progress


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Comment by Michael Dierks |

Unfortunately for the first time I could not attend at this webinar. I'm looking forward to the recordings and thank SIMEG, that you offer these for free.

Comment by Alassil |

I am Orthopädie surgeon

Comment by Ursula Pieper |

It was avery interesting persentation and allthough I’m not a surgeon but a General practitioner, who is doing lots of Manual Medicine, it was a big profit for me, to take part . Unfortunately I just can’t find my Notes- if it is still possible to have the Recording, this would be great! I’m especially looking for the name of the Good Orthesis to stabilize the Symphysis- I just have a Patient with osteoporosis and fractures of the symphysis and sacrum and I think she would have a big profit to stabilize with this since she can’t be operated and has lots of pain .

Comment by Daisuke Kurosawa |

Dear Dr. Pieper,

Thank you for your comments. If you attend the September Meeting in Graz, I will bring an orthosis there that can cover up to the pubic symphysis.
If you wish to purchase the Orthosis that Dr. Tanaka has developed, I will be able to personally provide you with the Orthosis at the same price as it costs in Japan.
It is not sold on the internet.

Comment by Daisuke Kurosawa |

Dear Dr. Alassil,

You are on the way to write us a comment.
Glad you are interested and please come to Graz's Meetings.

Please add 7 and 2.