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Sports and Exercise Medicine Switzerland
The details of sacroiliac joint dysfunction in athletes are still poorly understood.
Dr. Kaneoka treats the most athletes with sacroiliac joint dysfunction in Japan. He is a professor of sports science after working as a spine surgeon. He will talk about how the sacroiliac joint is loaded in different sports, MRI findings, his novel ASLR repositioning test, and treatment based on training the transversus abdominis muscle. Dr. d'Hemecourt visited our hospital in March of this year. His assessment of hip laxity using ultrasound and the sacroiliac torque test he developed are very interesting. I respect his careful accumulation of physical findings and his passion for conservative treatment. He has also presented papers on sports-related sacroiliac disorders and was invited as an appropriate speaker for this webinar.
Dr. Jeffery Donner is a member of the SIMEG board. I continue to be amazed by his extensive work in regenerative medicine as well as sacroiliac fusion surgery. Athletes need more than sacroiliac fusion to restore function. He has begun to develop regenerative medicine that may be able to address this need and I am very positive about the future.
I believe the three speakers are among the most advanced in the world in this area.
I have asked Dr. William Cross to moderate the session. He is also a unique surgeon who has developed a new sacroiliac provocation test and has an exceptional ability to look at dysfunction, which I believe that he is the best for this webinar.
The previous Webinar was broadcasted in convenient for Europe and Asia. This Webinar is set up to be convenient for Japan (and Asian countries) and US time zones. The Webinar is going to be recorded and be provided on website later.
Daisuke Kurosawa