Dear Collegues,

There are not many physicians/surgeons who specialize in the sacroiliac joint, but there are many patients who suffer from lumbar buttock pain due to sacroiliac joint problems. I was very happy to know that there are many colleagues all over the world thanks to this SIMEG. I am very grateful to the members who founded this SIMEG. There is nothing more difficult than creating something from zero, but we have already accumulated 10 years of experience. I know that there are many outstanding sacroiliac specialists in the world, and I hope that you, as pain physicians, spine surgeons, hip surgeons, sports physicians, and physical therapists, will share your knowledge and skills with us.
New and exciting discoveries come from meeting experts in person. We look forward to seeing you on site. But even if you cannot make it to the meeting: for you we are glad to announce, that online participation is available. The topics are too important to miss them! Please make your choice with your registration!


Daisuke Kurosawa, MD,  SIMEG president

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