Sacroiliac Medical Experts Group e.V.
Germany based international medical association
to explore the questions of pelvic girdle pain and SIJ syndrome


New Videos of Interest

by Michael Dierks

Those who could not attend the announced webinars can watch the recordings. They can be found in the "past event" section.

ICSJS 2016 Gallery

New Members

by Michael Dierks (comments: 0)

New members from Asia and the USA, dedicated to help SIJ patients, joined our group in the new year 2023. We welcome

  • Drs. Takeshi Sasaki, Ayumi Kaneuji, Keisuke Ito, Lynn Maeda, Juichi Tonosu, Jyoji Shin (Japan)
  • Dr. Picharn Pichyangkul (Thailand)
  • Dr. Igin Ginting (Indonesia)
  • Dr. Bruce Dall, Roberto Aranibar (USA)



by Michael Dierks

The SIMEG board decided to publish lifetime achievement recognitions of merited members. The first choice is Bruce Dall. Congratulations and a Happy New Year!

Statement of the President

by Daisuke Kurosawa

We welcome our president elect, Daisuke Kurosawa MD
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery / Japan Sacroiliac Joint and Low Back Pain Center
JCHO Sendai Hospital, Sendai, Japan

Board Election 2022

by Michael Dierks

We thank our past president Dr. Jeff Donner for his presidential work in the difficult pandemic season. He initiated the series of educational webinars which started with the first ICSJS in 2021.

SIMEG Safety Symposium

by Michael Dierks

One of the most important webinars was the Safety Symposium in October 2022 with a lively debate on surgical safety aspects based on lectures of David Polly, MD and Thomas Freeman, MD. The debate may be downloaded here.

Zwecke und Ziele der SIMEG e.V.

Die ‘SIMEG’ ist eine als gemeinnützig anerkannte Vereinigung von Personen, die sich mit der Therapie der Sakroiliakalgelenke und des Beckengürtels in Klinik, Praxis und Forschung operativ, konservativ oder beratend befassen.  Aufgabe der Mitglieder ist es, die Ziele der Gruppe wissenschaftlich und praktisch zu vertreten sowie durch Austausch und Vermittlung eigener Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen die experimentelle und praktische Forschung auf diesem Gebiet zu fördern. Insbesondere ist der Verein im Rahmen einer steuerbegünstigten Umsetzung der satzungsmäßigen Zwecke in folgender Weise tätig:
a) Organisation und Durchführung wissenschaftlicher Arbeitstagungen im In- und Ausland;
b) Anregung und Förderung steuerbegünstigter wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen;
c) Koordinierung von wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Gemeinschaftsarbeit verschiedener Forscher;
d) Verbreitung der Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung;
e) Weiterbildung, Fellowship- und Hospitationsprogramme;
f) Erstellung von Leitlinien zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen des Sakroiliakalgelenks;
g) Aufbau eines internationalen SIG-Registers;
h) Beteiligung an der Entwicklung von Studiendesigns;
i) Beschaffung und Mittelweitergabe für/an andere steuerbegünstigte Körperschaften sowie Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts für deren steuerbegünstigte Zwecke i.S. von § 58 Nr. 1 AO.

Surgical Treatment
Research & Education
Manual Therapy

Purposes and Objectives of SIMEG

“SIMEG” is tax-privileged not-for-profit association of persons, who deal surgically and conservatively in the treatment of the sacroiliac joints and of the pelvic girdle in hospital, practice and research. The task of the members of the Association is to represent the objectives of the group academically and practically and to promote experimental and practical research in this field. In particular, the Association is active within the framework of a tax-privileged realisation of its objectives in accordance with Articles of Association as follows:
a) Organisation and conduct of academic workshops, both domestically and overseas;
b) Stimulating and promoting tax-privileged scientific investigation;
c) Co-ordinating the academic research and collaboration of a variety of researchers;
d) Disseminating the insights of academic research;
e) Continuing education, fellowship and work shadowing programmes;
f) Preparation of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the sacroiliac joint;
g) Setting up an international Sacroiliac Joint Register;
h) Participation in the development of study designs;
i) Sourcing and provision of funding for other tax-privileged incorporations and public corporations for their tax-privileged objectives within the meaning of Art. 58, s. 1 of the (German) General Tax Code.

Join the ISAR Case Registry

The registration of surgical cases is helpful to understand the healing process and pros and cons of various new devices and technologies. And, moreover, surgeons and patients can participate and will be able to observe the benchmark of clinical outcome after SIJ fusion.

There's a reason why the majority of doctors do not consider sacroiliac joint fusion as a standard of care.

Read more

Prof. B. Meyer, M.D.

Right now, the SIJ fusion world is a total free for all that is using one approach (the 510(k) approach) with no one but industry in charge of educating the surgeons or providing oversight for the surgeries that are being performed. Complications do occur, and are currently managed in haphazard ways with no accountability to anyone. The one person who is really left out of the equation here is the patient.

Bruce Dall, M.D.

“It is wonderful that there is now an institution which tries to collect the data – which are very poor until now.

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Harms

I am really thrilled about the increased interest of my life commitment – the sacroiliac joint. You might know I have been working on the field since 1986. I am very glad to hear that several orthopedic surgeons are realizing the importance of the SI-joint. As well I think planning of a conference is extremely important to give it an important impact. The fate of the SIJ should be taken care of.

Dr. Bengt Sturesson

If the patient has two lesions and you only treat one, the patient will still be unhappy! You never think about the sacroiliac joint if you don't think about the sacroiliac joint.

Arnold Graham-Smith, M.D.

As an enthused participant I would like to give you a feedback on your meeting in Hamburg: The quality of lectures and discussions had been truly outstanding, it was worth the long travel. Being a manual physician as well as interventional pain therapist I really drew important benefit. Unfortunately until now only few collegues are considering this topic. I am very open to cooperate!

Dr. Markus Schneider, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

"I highly appreciate that an association is now dealing intensively with this problem which is an urging problem within the field of spinal pathologies - not only in the respect of surgical therapies. I consider it immportant that this - oftentimes mystifyingly approached - problem of SIJ now starts to enter the solid ground of natural science."

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Harms

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Do you want to comment our activities, or have questions about diagnosis, treatment, biomechanics, clinical research status of the SIJ?

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